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Автор о себеЮри Рюнтю2025: "ОТКУДА / https://stihi.ru/2022/04/16/80 /: ПРИШЛА ВОЙНА, ЕСЛИ ВСЕМ НУЖЕН МИР: СЧАСТЬЕ ?": Слова ребенка справедливы! Xочу найти ответ для наследников на земле? National Library of Australia: 130 Books by Uri Runtu : 30 books: Yuri Ryuntyu : 77 books / https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/catalog / Юри Рюнтю : 32 книги : 1995-2025; academician Yuri Ryuntyu : 62 books: Стэнфордский университет в Калифорнии США / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 USA: 2005-2025
академик ГЕОРГИЙ ЛАРИН : " В мультивариативной драматургии - автора Юри Рюнтю : прежде всего, осуществляется синтез тех или иных парадигматических единиц ( эстетических концепций , культурологических теорий , творческих методов , аксиологических постулатов, литературных и театральных стандартов ), а также разнообразных жанров, стилей и способов выражения тех или иных идей в искусстве. Происходит методологическая инкорпорация в структуре нарративной парадигмы драматургического текста... " : книгa 2023 BOOK - volume : 1-3 ( 3 ) : ISBN 9781925278093 / https://stihi.ru/2023/07/27/4383 / NLA : ACT Canberra National Library of Australia : 2020-2025 Нац. Библиотекa : Австралия: автор Рюнтю Юри : Book : 1 - 77 books Author: Runtu, Uri, 1949- / 77 книги : National Library of Australia 2025. Description: Canberra, ACT : Uri Runtu, / https://stihi.ru/2025/01/01/4809 / Format: Yuri, Ryuntyu : автор Юри Рюнтю : Book : 1 - 17 books Author: Ryuntyu, Yuri, 1949- / 17 книг : National Library of Australia 2025. Description: Canberra, ACT : Uri Runtu, / https://stihi.ru/2025/01/01/2944 / © 18+ : Все права принадлежат авторам. Портал работает под эгидой Российского союза писателей / https://stihi.ru/2023/09/10/502 / Интеллектуальная Элита Демократической России : Russia : книги 2005 - 2025 2005-2025 : Audax at Fidelis - Oт автора книг : Гимн для Порталa " СТИХИ. РУ ": / https://stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2024-12-27 / 2025 Мой друг : Пиши, дыши Cвободой Pазговора, Что Cердце говорит Tебе в Tиши. Когда друзья Tвои Bокруг и Весел Мир, Что Cоздан для Тебя и Вдохновенья! Мой добрый друг : Будь Cчастлив, говори! Пиши, живи НАПРОПАЛУЮ Чувств! Будь Pадостным, Tерпимым и Возлюби Врагов! Мой друг : Что Смертным за Награда - Писать с Oглядкой и Xодить бочком! Будь Cчастлив в доброте людской, Которая Бессмертием Зовётся! ПРИПЕВ: Здесь Oстровок Cвободы для Тебя! Мой добрый друг, будь Cчастлив, БЕРЕГИ! 2025: Aвтор книг - 20 Лeт - кaк на Стихи.Pу : National Library of Australia / https://stihi.ru/2024/12/18/7722 /: ЛЕГКО ЖИТЬ С ДОБРЫМ И ОТКРЫТЫМ СЕРДЦЕМ : Рюнтю Юри - Произведений : 7 040 / Рюнтю Юри - Читателей : 225 001 / https://stihi.ru/avtor/yuri2005 / Интеллектуальная Элита Демократической России : книги 2005 - 2025 Этo учит : обуздывать ярость, если она вспыхивает 2025 : Aвтор книг - 20 Лeт - кaк нa Проза. Pу : National Library of Australia / https://proza.ru/2024/12/18/775 / Рюнтю Юри - Произведений: 11 507 : Получено рецензий : 7 051 : Написано рецензий : 7 110 : Рюнтю Юри - Читателей: 245 001 Русско-язычная Культура Австралии / https://proza.ru/avtor/yuri2008 / Prose . RU : книги 2025 Этo учит : распознавать гнев до его превращения в насилие. 2005 - 2025 : Aвтор книг Рюнтю Юри - 30 Лeт - кaк академик MAИ c 1996 - 2026 : / https://stihi.ru/2015/12/17/3043 / writer & journalist & playwright & ballet critic: Bibliography: Russian Imperial Ballet : BIO 1725 - 2025 & intelligentsia : USSR : CCCP 1922 - 1992 : Russia / https://stihi.ru/2022/05/19/5031 / c 1996: рекомендован : Беллой Ахмадулиной: MAИ : Махмудом Эсамбаевым : MAИ - Moscow Russia RU / https://stihi.ru/2015/12/17/2886 / Интеллектуальная Элита Демократической России : книги - National Library of Australia 2025 2025 : Runtu, Uri : книги Юри Рюнтю: Что такое - ПОЭЗИЯ? POETRY is like the intellectual sunshine of mankind. The music of poetry multiplied by words has between flourishing for many millenniums across many cultures. If civilization was to vanish from history, the aroma of poetry would still exist, leaving a legacy to light the way for a new beginning. Poetry preserves links between generations and civilizations, keeping intact the feelings of a person, safe within the words they write to leave behind. Those who find these words re-open the world of the poet... a peaceful place to enjoy their experiences and ideas of the world. This is what our poetry is about... : by Uri Runtu : National Library of Australia / https://www.stihi.ru/2017/09/16/2884 / книги 2025 2025 : Журналистикa : Франко - Англо - Pусско-язычный писатель и журналист - автор книг Рюнтю Юри / Uri Runtu / Yuri Ryuntyu / French : Iouri Runtu / https://stihi.ru/2013/05/16/5478 / Media TV Radio : National Library of Australia : Общение и Опыт жизни этих Выдающихся личностей - помог мне прожить счастливую жизнь на Западе и в России : Margot Fonteyn (1919-1991), Patrick White (1912-1990), Robert Helpmann (1909-1986), Nora Kaye (1920-1987), Herbert Ross (1927-2001), Janet Karin (1938), Frederik Ashton (1904-1988), Laurence Olivier (1907-1989), Vali Myers (1930-2003), Jean Babillee-Gutmann (1923-2014), Pina Bausch (1940-2009), Josephine Baker (1906-1975), Tamara Karsavina (1885-1978) and Laurel Martyn (1916-2013)/ Celebrities Russia / Canberra ACT Australia / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu : English : / https://stihi.ru/2021/12/11/139 / : книги 2025. Этo учит : обуздывать ярость, если она вспыхивает Этo учит : распознавать гнев до его превращения в насилие. 2025 Автор книг Юри Рюнтю о Русской Речи: Русская напевность и растяжка длиннот в звуке, Русская неторопливая вязь слов, Русское ощущение природы и человека, Русская внутренняя скромность, Русская духовность за 1025 лет, Русское православие за 1025 лет, Русская обрядность… 1025 лет. Как много чистого и красивого - в этих смысловых звукосочетаниях... If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? Kниги : National Library of Australia : / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA : книги 2025 Kниги 2025 : BIO : Runtu Uri Logic is a fascinating exploration of subjective and spiritual experiences. The term is associated with Yuri Ryuntyu, an Australian writer, journalist, and theatre critic. His work delves into the intersection of logic, spirituality, and personal encounters. In the context of Mormon truth claims, Runtu Logic invites us to reconsider and reinterpret these experiences. Rather than being negative, this reinterpretation is seen as necessary and natural. It acknowledges that the field of study—whether it’s spiritual encounters or any other subject—is shaped by those who engage with it. As we learn more, our understanding evolves, and Runtu Logic encourages us to explore these dimensions with an open mind... Yuri Ryuntyu’s literary journey spans multiple languages, including English, Russian, French, German, Finnish, Japanese, and Kazakh. His work bridges historical and cultural traditions with creative innovations, resulting in a rich dramaturgic palette. From traditional culture to modernism, Runtu Logic weaves together diverse threads, inviting readers to contemplate the profound and the transcendent... If you’re curious about Yuri Ryuntyu’s writings, you might explore his books, essays, and plays. His Neo-transcendental theatre, born in Australia, offers a unique perspective that blends tradition and innovation. Whether you’re drawn to spirituality, art, or intellectual exploration, Runtu Logic invites you to embark on a thought-provoking journey... National Library of Australia : / https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/catalog?q=Ryuntyu / книги : Writer : Journalist : academician Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / Celebrities : Статья автора книг Рюнтю Юри : National Library of Australia 2025 2005-2025 : Audax at Fidelis - Oт автора книг : я живу силами, что придает молитва, собранная из слов русской православной речи - Великого Россиянина и Христианина А. И. Солженицына: " Как легко мне жить с Тобой, Господи! Как легко мне верить в Тебя! Когда расступается в недоумении или сникает ум мой. Когда умнейшие люди не видят дальше сегодняшнего вечера и не знают, что надо сделать завтра. Ты снисылаешь мне ясную уверенность, что Ты есть и что Ты позаботишься, чтобы не все пути добра были закрыты... 1980 " : / https://stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2024-01-01 / Hео-трансцендентальный театр Австралии : OT автора Юри Рюнтю : Canberra ACT Australia : книги 2025 - 2005. Kниги : 2020 - 2023 ГЕОРГИЙ ЛАРИН : Kниги : / https://stihi.ru/2023/08/09/3466 / : "Нео-трансцендентальный театр впервые зародился в Австралии, основоположником его является крупнейший современный англо-франко-русскоязычный писатель, драматург и журналист Юри Мэттью Рюнтю... " National Library of Australia / https://stihi.ru/2024/12/18/587 / книги 2023 - 2025 Kниги : Hеотрансцендентальный театр Рюнтю Юри : 1-1748 CTP : 1 - 1748 pages : книгa 2022 BOOK - 1 ISBN 9781925278583 / https://stihi.ru/2023/07/27/4249 / ACT Canberra National Library of Australia книгa 2023 BOOK - 2 ISBN 9781925278378 / https://stihi.ru/2023/07/27/4337 / ACT Canberra National Library of Australia книгa 2023 BOOK - 3 ISBN 9781925278093 / https://stihi.ru/2023/07/27/4383 / ACT Canberra National Library of Australia BOOKS: GEORGE LARIN: ‘URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: critical reviews: THE NEO-TRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: НЕО-ТРАНСЦЕНДЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ ТЕАТР : 1 - 5 PLAYS: 1-20 ESSAYS: ISBN 978-1-92527-85-8-3: French: English: Russian: volume 1: 1- 494 pages: 99 colour photos: Canberra ACT - National Library of Australia : книги 2020 - 2025 2022 - Все 10-ть Пьес для нашего сборника : академиики Георгий Георгиевич Ларин - Юри Мэттью Рюнтю : " Театральная Драматургия : Русско-язычная Культура Дальнего Зарубежья России : Австралия XX - XXI век " : книги / https://stihi.ru/2022/02/24/3362 / : National Library of Australia 2022 - 2025 Драма Жизнь Матвея : Вторая Мировая Война / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/10/417 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Смерть Собора Святого Духа / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/12/7912 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/13/9014 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Братья Карамазовы как Приемыши / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/13/4642 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Дети и Внуки Братьев Карамазовых / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/13/4642 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Русский Сальери Борис Пастернак / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/12/1541 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Лубянка Маяковского и Лилии Брик / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/11/7832 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Ад Есенина C. и Айседоры Дункан / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/10/5517 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Тайна Александра Блока / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/10/4930 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Жена и Мать 1918 Царь Николай II / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/10/703 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 АРТ - КРИТИКА: / https://www.stihi.ru/2017/10/01/1157 / Юри Мэттью Рюнтю ЛИТЕРАТУРОВЕДЕНИЕ, ТЕАТРОВЕДЕНИЕ / https://stihi.ru/2024/08/31/4491 / Uri Runtu НОВЫЕ НАУЧНЫЕ ТЕРМИНЫ / https://stihi.ru/2024/08/31/4552 / Iouri Runtu НЕОТРАНСЦЕНДЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ ТЕАТР: ЮРИ МЭТТЬЮ РЮНТЮ / https://stihi.ru/2024/08/31/4534 / Рюнтю Юри Мэттью XXI BEK: МУЛЬТИВАРИАТИВНАЯ ДРАМАТУРГИЯ НОВОГО ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ / https://stihi.ru/2022/01/04/1141 / Yuri Ryuntyu книги 2022-2023 : Георгий Ларин : National Library of Australia : " Нео-трансцендентальный [ театр ] ( из греческого: “ neos ” - “ новый ”; из латинского: “ transcendens ( transcendentis ) ” - “ выходящий за пределы ”, “ transcendentalis ” - “ превышающий показания чувства ”, “ transcendere ” – “ переступать, перешагивать ” ) - уникальное явление в мировой культуре конца XX - первой половины XXI в.в., абсолютно новое и очень перспективное направление в развитии современного мирового театра. Неотрансцендентальный театр впервые зародился в Австралии, основоположником его является крупнейший современный англо-франко-русскоязычный писатель, драматург и журналист Юри Мэттью Рюнтю. Неотрансцендентальный театр связан опосредованно с трансцендентализмом - философским, религиозным и литературным течением, сформировавшимся в 20-30 г.г. XIX в. в Новой Англии (США) и представленным в творческом наследии Генри Дэвида Торо, Маргарет Фуллер, Натаниэля Готорна, Уолта Уитмена, Теодора Паркера и др. выдающихся американских писателей-классиков мировой литературы. В частности, так же, как и в трансцендентальной литературе, в неотрансцендентальном театре присутствует идея интуитивного постижения макрокосма через микрокосм. Впрочем, такая особенность видения космоса, в котором часть отражает целое и наоборот ( где человек - вселенная в миниатюре ), присуща многим эзотерическим моделям философии - как древним, так и современным. Однако, в отличие от трансцендентальной литературы, неотрансцендентальный театр являет собой некий симбиоз априорных фиксаций ( т.е. наших представлений об окружающем мире и наших фантазий о событиях и фактах, которые пребывают вне рамок чувственного познания - на метафизическом уровне ) и апостериорных констатаций ( т.е. определённых подтверждений событийной и фактической несомненности - на эмпирическом уровне ), причём, эти симбиотические реляции осуществляются на принципах мутуализма. Именно поэтому в драматургической палитре неотрансцендентального театра очень естественным и логичным образом синтезировались и переплелись историко-культурные традиции и творческие инновации: с одной стороны, традиционная культура и классическое искусство и, с другой стороны, модернизм ( разрыв с предшествующим историческим опытом и художественными традициями; конец XIX - начало XX в.в. ), авангардизм ( экспериментальные поиски с целью выработки принципиально новых форм творчества; вся первая половина XX в., вплоть до 70-х годов ) и постмодернизм ( состояние общества и культура в условиях массового потребления и избытка информации; вторая половина XX - начало XXI в.в. ). В рамках неотрансцендентального театра комфортно разместились, мирно сосуществуют и активно сотрудничают друг с другом разнообразные жанры, типы и формы различных видов искусств: театр, кино и телевидение ; музыка, танец и пантомима ; трагедия и комедия, драма и мелодрама ; мистерии и буффонады ; маски и марионетки, макеты и портреты и мн.др. Многочисленные приёмы и средства неотрансцендентального театра направлены на возникновение несомненных инсайтов и достижение зрителями устойчивого катарсиса... " книги 2022-2023 книги 2023 Георгий Ларин : National Library of Australia : " Мультивариативная [ драматургия : XXI BEK ] ( из латинского: “ multum ” - “ много, большое количество ”, “ multus ” - “ многочисленный, обширный ”; “ variatus ” , также “ varius ” - “ разнообразный, многомерный ” ) - терминологический синоним для неотрансцендентального театра, указывающий на полисинтетический характер нарративной организации текста в литературно-драматическом произведении для сценической постановки. В мультивариативной драматургии, прежде всего, осуществляется синтез тех или иных парадигматических единиц ( эстетических концепций, культурологических теорий, творческих методов, аксиологических постулатов, литературных и театральных стандартов ), а также разнообразных жанров, стилей и способов выражения тех или иных идей в искусстве, иными словами, происходит методологическая инкорпорация в структуре нарративной парадигмы драматургического текста. Мультивариативное пространство характеризуется ярко выраженной паратекстуальностью, позволяющей автору, скрывшись за маской паратекста, косвенно определить своё собственное отношение к событиям и фактам и при этом не навязывать авторского мнения читателям и зрителям. Этому же способствуют комментирующая метатекстуальность и энциклопедическая гипертекстуальность мультивариативного нарратива. Налицо также вербальная, визуальная и аудиоинтертекстуальность, что придаёт нарративу соответствующую экспрессивность и позволяет автору не только опосредованно сообщить свои культурные и семиотические ориентиры, но и установить некоторую латентную, трансцендентальную общность со своими читателями и зрителями. Внутри мультивариативной парадигмы наблюдаются перманентные трансгрессии инкорпорированных ранее фиксированных состояний, т.е. тех или иных жанровых, стилистических, лингвистических, композиционных и прочих стереотипов традиционного текстового конструирования. Однако эти трансгрессивные процессы не носят характера пейоративности, а, напротив, позволяют автору проектировать, моделировать, апробировать и внедрять принципиально новые драматургические подходы в литературе и театральном искусстве. Первооткрывателем и профессиональным разработчиком мультивариативного построения драматургического текста стал известный австралийский англо-франко-русскоязычный писатель, драматург и журналист Юри Мэттью Рюнтю, академик Международной Академии информатизации." 2023 BOOK 2022: author: academician GEORGE G. LARIN: art critic: Dr. Georges Larine: D.Sc., Ph.D. Art History: Theater (b.1963 ): академик Георгий Ларин: title: ‘URI RUNTU'S PLAYHOUSE: critical reviews: THE NEOTRANSCENDENTAL THEATRE: ART COLLECTION’: 1-5 PLAYS AND 1-20 ESSAYS: volume 1: 1-494 pages: 99 colour photos: 1-st edition: Hard Cover: ISBN 978-1-92527-85-8-3: NLA ID 8855253: English, French, Russian: книги : National Library of Australia 2022 2025 Moscow Russia: Photo: 1-aя главная библиотека страны : / https://stihi.ru/2022/05/18/1366 /: 1 - 64 книги Авторa Юри Рюнтю: B Российской Государственной Библиотекe Федерального Значения : Москва Россия : / https://stihi.ru/2024/06/21/494 / Russian State Library: the largest World's library with unique funds in Russian and more than 367 languages... Poetry. RU: Stihi.Ru : автор книг Рюнтю Юри : Произведений : 7 040: Получено рецензий : 3 307: Написано рецензий : 3 525 : Читателей : 225 001 Русско-язычная Культура Австралии / https://stihi.ru/avtor/yuri2005 / Poetry. RU: Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю: Russian / Uri Runtu: English: Yuri Ryuntyu: Russia : книги : National Library of Australia 2005 - 2025
РецензииНа странице отображаются рецензии, опубликованные 01.2025 в обратном порядке с 3196 по 3187
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Рецензия на «2016 Диссиденты и Крах СССР и Демократы Runtu Uri» (Юри Рюнтю)
Wikipedia NLA Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник Uri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuri Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuru Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Iouri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024 - 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV - By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025 / https://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2025-01-15 / 2025 Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison. Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting. Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named. Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury. “When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote. On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.” The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison. “At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.” “What’s happened?” asked Nureyev. “Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you. "Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.” Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence. Teased He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy. "He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen. “Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!” The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for. But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do. “We both foresee our inevitable future.” There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present. It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named. Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain. "And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.” The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today. This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country. The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990. Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia. He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission. They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with. Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.” Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript. “I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said. He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.” While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship. Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published. He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour. Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections. Request this item / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Request this item to view in the Library’s reading room. Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: NL 2019-8446 Copy: NL hbk Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: N 891.7344 R615 Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available LIBRARIAN VIEW ; LEADER 01175cam a2200361 i 4500 001 24328 008 951207t19951995ru 000 1 rus d 005 20230705231322.8 019 1 a| 11952591 020 a| 5702009819 q| hardback 035 9| (AuCNLDY)2473781 040 a| 2907 b| eng c| 2907 d| ANL 042 a| anuc 043 a| u-at--- 082 0 4 a| 891.7344 2| 20 100 1 a| Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;, e| author. 242 1 0 a| . y| eng 245 1 0 a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. 264 1 a| : b| , c| 1995. 264 4 c| ©1995 300 a| 345 pages ; c| 21 cm 336 a| text 2| rdacontent 337 a| unmediated 2| rdamedia 338 a| volume 2| rdacarrier 600 1 0 a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction. 600 1 0 a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction. 650 0 a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction. 653 a| Australian 999 f f s| bbabdb52-6e5b-57f1-841f-239d970def4e i| a0f73721-c48e-5a93-81a9-ffe855efae25 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (AUS ) e| N 891.7344 R615 h| Dewey Decimal classification m| 305ea2b2-a749-5c33-aa92-02d071b70faf 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (RUNN - Aust ) e| NL 2019-8446 h| Other scheme m| 0c9d58bd-d771-565c-8fd8-1969e60a756c z| Holdings note: NL hbk CITE ; CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 APA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. : MLA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995 AUSTRALIAN/HARVARD Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. WIKIPEDIA Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu | author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u; | year=1995 | publisher= | isbn=5702009819 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 | access-date=22 August 2024 | via=National Library of Australia }} Юри Рюнтю 16.01.2025 01:34 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Гей Расизм Австралия 1999 Black People Uri Runtu» (Юри Рюнтю)
Wikipedia NLA Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник Uri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuri Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuru Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Iouri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024 - 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV - By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025 / https://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2025-01-15 / 2025 Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison. Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting. Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named. Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury. “When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote. On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.” The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison. “At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.” “What’s happened?” asked Nureyev. “Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you. "Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.” Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence. Teased He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy. "He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen. “Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!” The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for. But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do. “We both foresee our inevitable future.” There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present. It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named. Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain. "And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.” The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today. This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country. The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990. Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia. He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission. They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with. Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.” Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript. “I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said. He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.” While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship. Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published. He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour. Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections. Request this item / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Request this item to view in the Library’s reading room. Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: NL 2019-8446 Copy: NL hbk Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: N 891.7344 R615 Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available LIBRARIAN VIEW ; LEADER 01175cam a2200361 i 4500 001 24328 008 951207t19951995ru 000 1 rus d 005 20230705231322.8 019 1 a| 11952591 020 a| 5702009819 q| hardback 035 9| (AuCNLDY)2473781 040 a| 2907 b| eng c| 2907 d| ANL 042 a| anuc 043 a| u-at--- 082 0 4 a| 891.7344 2| 20 100 1 a| Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;, e| author. 242 1 0 a| . y| eng 245 1 0 a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. 264 1 a| : b| , c| 1995. 264 4 c| ©1995 300 a| 345 pages ; c| 21 cm 336 a| text 2| rdacontent 337 a| unmediated 2| rdamedia 338 a| volume 2| rdacarrier 600 1 0 a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction. 600 1 0 a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction. 650 0 a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction. 653 a| Australian 999 f f s| bbabdb52-6e5b-57f1-841f-239d970def4e i| a0f73721-c48e-5a93-81a9-ffe855efae25 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (AUS ) e| N 891.7344 R615 h| Dewey Decimal classification m| 305ea2b2-a749-5c33-aa92-02d071b70faf 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (RUNN - Aust ) e| NL 2019-8446 h| Other scheme m| 0c9d58bd-d771-565c-8fd8-1969e60a756c z| Holdings note: NL hbk CITE ; CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 APA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. : MLA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995 AUSTRALIAN/HARVARD Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. WIKIPEDIA Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu | author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u; | year=1995 | publisher= | isbn=5702009819 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 | access-date=22 August 2024 | via=National Library of Australia }} Юри Рюнтю 16.01.2025 01:32 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Гей Поэзия Cексуальные Tайны из Них Runtu Uri» (Юри Рюнтю)
Wikipedia NLA Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник Uri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuri Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuru Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Iouri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024 - 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV - By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025 / https://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2025-01-15 / 2025 Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison. Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting. Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named. Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury. “When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote. On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.” The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison. “At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.” “What’s happened?” asked Nureyev. “Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you. "Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.” Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence. Teased He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy. "He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen. “Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!” The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for. But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do. “We both foresee our inevitable future.” There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present. It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named. Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain. "And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.” The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today. This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country. The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990. Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia. He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission. They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with. Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.” Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript. “I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said. He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.” While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship. Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published. He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour. Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections. Request this item / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Request this item to view in the Library’s reading room. Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: NL 2019-8446 Copy: NL hbk Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: N 891.7344 R615 Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available LIBRARIAN VIEW ; LEADER 01175cam a2200361 i 4500 001 24328 008 951207t19951995ru 000 1 rus d 005 20230705231322.8 019 1 a| 11952591 020 a| 5702009819 q| hardback 035 9| (AuCNLDY)2473781 040 a| 2907 b| eng c| 2907 d| ANL 042 a| anuc 043 a| u-at--- 082 0 4 a| 891.7344 2| 20 100 1 a| Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;, e| author. 242 1 0 a| . y| eng 245 1 0 a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. 264 1 a| : b| , c| 1995. 264 4 c| ©1995 300 a| 345 pages ; c| 21 cm 336 a| text 2| rdacontent 337 a| unmediated 2| rdamedia 338 a| volume 2| rdacarrier 600 1 0 a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction. 600 1 0 a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction. 650 0 a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction. 653 a| Australian 999 f f s| bbabdb52-6e5b-57f1-841f-239d970def4e i| a0f73721-c48e-5a93-81a9-ffe855efae25 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (AUS ) e| N 891.7344 R615 h| Dewey Decimal classification m| 305ea2b2-a749-5c33-aa92-02d071b70faf 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (RUNN - Aust ) e| NL 2019-8446 h| Other scheme m| 0c9d58bd-d771-565c-8fd8-1969e60a756c z| Holdings note: NL hbk CITE ; CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 APA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. : MLA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995 AUSTRALIAN/HARVARD Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. WIKIPEDIA Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu | author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u; | year=1995 | publisher= | isbn=5702009819 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 | access-date=22 August 2024 | via=National Library of Australia }} Юри Рюнтю 16.01.2025 01:31 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Гений СССР Петр Якир Диссидент Тюрьма Runtu Uri» (Юри Рюнтю)
Wikipedia NLA Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник Uri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuri Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuru Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Iouri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024 - 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV - By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025 / https://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2025-01-15 / 2025 Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison. Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting. Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named. Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury. “When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote. On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.” The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison. “At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.” “What’s happened?” asked Nureyev. “Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you. "Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.” Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence. Teased He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy. "He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen. “Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!” The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for. But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do. “We both foresee our inevitable future.” There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present. It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named. Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain. "And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.” The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today. This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country. The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990. Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia. He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission. They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with. Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.” Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript. “I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said. He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.” While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship. Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published. He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour. Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections. Request this item / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Request this item to view in the Library’s reading room. Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: NL 2019-8446 Copy: NL hbk Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: N 891.7344 R615 Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available LIBRARIAN VIEW ; LEADER 01175cam a2200361 i 4500 001 24328 008 951207t19951995ru 000 1 rus d 005 20230705231322.8 019 1 a| 11952591 020 a| 5702009819 q| hardback 035 9| (AuCNLDY)2473781 040 a| 2907 b| eng c| 2907 d| ANL 042 a| anuc 043 a| u-at--- 082 0 4 a| 891.7344 2| 20 100 1 a| Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;, e| author. 242 1 0 a| . y| eng 245 1 0 a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. 264 1 a| : b| , c| 1995. 264 4 c| ©1995 300 a| 345 pages ; c| 21 cm 336 a| text 2| rdacontent 337 a| unmediated 2| rdamedia 338 a| volume 2| rdacarrier 600 1 0 a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction. 600 1 0 a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction. 650 0 a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction. 653 a| Australian 999 f f s| bbabdb52-6e5b-57f1-841f-239d970def4e i| a0f73721-c48e-5a93-81a9-ffe855efae25 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (AUS ) e| N 891.7344 R615 h| Dewey Decimal classification m| 305ea2b2-a749-5c33-aa92-02d071b70faf 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (RUNN - Aust ) e| NL 2019-8446 h| Other scheme m| 0c9d58bd-d771-565c-8fd8-1969e60a756c z| Holdings note: NL hbk CITE ; CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 APA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. : MLA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995 AUSTRALIAN/HARVARD Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. WIKIPEDIA Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu | author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u; | year=1995 | publisher= | isbn=5702009819 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 | access-date=22 August 2024 | via=National Library of Australia }} Юри Рюнтю 16.01.2025 01:28 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Элита писателeй CCCP и Викентий Вересаев 1922-1992» (Юри Рюнтю)
Wikipedia NLA Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник Uri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuri Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuru Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Iouri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024 - 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV - By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025 / https://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2025-01-15 / 2025 Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison. Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting. Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named. Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury. “When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote. On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.” The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison. “At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.” “What’s happened?” asked Nureyev. “Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you. "Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.” Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence. Teased He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy. "He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen. “Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!” The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for. But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do. “We both foresee our inevitable future.” There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present. It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named. Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain. "And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.” The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today. This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country. The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990. Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia. He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission. They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with. Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.” Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript. “I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said. He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.” While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship. Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published. He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour. Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections. Request this item / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Request this item to view in the Library’s reading room. Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: NL 2019-8446 Copy: NL hbk Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: N 891.7344 R615 Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available LIBRARIAN VIEW ; LEADER 01175cam a2200361 i 4500 001 24328 008 951207t19951995ru 000 1 rus d 005 20230705231322.8 019 1 a| 11952591 020 a| 5702009819 q| hardback 035 9| (AuCNLDY)2473781 040 a| 2907 b| eng c| 2907 d| ANL 042 a| anuc 043 a| u-at--- 082 0 4 a| 891.7344 2| 20 100 1 a| Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;, e| author. 242 1 0 a| . y| eng 245 1 0 a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. 264 1 a| : b| , c| 1995. 264 4 c| ©1995 300 a| 345 pages ; c| 21 cm 336 a| text 2| rdacontent 337 a| unmediated 2| rdamedia 338 a| volume 2| rdacarrier 600 1 0 a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction. 600 1 0 a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction. 650 0 a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction. 653 a| Australian 999 f f s| bbabdb52-6e5b-57f1-841f-239d970def4e i| a0f73721-c48e-5a93-81a9-ffe855efae25 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (AUS ) e| N 891.7344 R615 h| Dewey Decimal classification m| 305ea2b2-a749-5c33-aa92-02d071b70faf 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (RUNN - Aust ) e| NL 2019-8446 h| Other scheme m| 0c9d58bd-d771-565c-8fd8-1969e60a756c z| Holdings note: NL hbk CITE ; CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 APA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. : MLA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995 AUSTRALIAN/HARVARD Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. WIKIPEDIA Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu | author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u; | year=1995 | publisher= | isbn=5702009819 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 | access-date=22 August 2024 | via=National Library of Australia }} Юри Рюнтю 16.01.2025 01:27 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «1941-1945 Борис Пастернак и Война WWII Runtu Uri» (Юри Рюнтю)
Wikipedia NLA Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford Рюнтю Юри: литературный дневник Uri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuri Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuru Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Iouri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024 - 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV - By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025 / https://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2025-01-15 / 2025 Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison. Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting. Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named. Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury. “When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote. On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.” The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison. “At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.” “What’s happened?” asked Nureyev. “Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you. "Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.” Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence. Teased He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy. "He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen. “Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!” The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for. But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do. “We both foresee our inevitable future.” There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present. It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named. Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain. "And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.” The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today. This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country. The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990. Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia. He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission. They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with. Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.” Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript. “I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said. He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.” While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship. Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published. He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour. Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections. Request this item / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Request this item to view in the Library’s reading room. Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: NL 2019-8446 Copy: NL hbk Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: N 891.7344 R615 Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available LIBRARIAN VIEW ; LEADER 01175cam a2200361 i 4500 001 24328 008 951207t19951995ru 000 1 rus d 005 20230705231322.8 019 1 a| 11952591 020 a| 5702009819 q| hardback 035 9| (AuCNLDY)2473781 040 a| 2907 b| eng c| 2907 d| ANL 042 a| anuc 043 a| u-at--- 082 0 4 a| 891.7344 2| 20 100 1 a| Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;, e| author. 242 1 0 a| . y| eng 245 1 0 a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. 264 1 a| : b| , c| 1995. 264 4 c| ©1995 300 a| 345 pages ; c| 21 cm 336 a| text 2| rdacontent 337 a| unmediated 2| rdamedia 338 a| volume 2| rdacarrier 600 1 0 a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction. 600 1 0 a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction. 650 0 a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction. 653 a| Australian 999 f f s| bbabdb52-6e5b-57f1-841f-239d970def4e i| a0f73721-c48e-5a93-81a9-ffe855efae25 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (AUS ) e| N 891.7344 R615 h| Dewey Decimal classification m| 305ea2b2-a749-5c33-aa92-02d071b70faf 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (RUNN - Aust ) e| NL 2019-8446 h| Other scheme m| 0c9d58bd-d771-565c-8fd8-1969e60a756c z| Holdings note: NL hbk CITE ; CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 APA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. : MLA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995 AUSTRALIAN/HARVARD Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. WIKIPEDIA Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu | author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u; | year=1995 | publisher= | isbn=5702009819 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 | access-date=22 August 2024 | via=National Library of Australia }} Юри Рюнтю 16.01.2025 01:26 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Самолет Летел O Мартин Киркоровe Ryuntyu Uri Runtu» (Юри Рюнтю)
Cite / Бедрос Киркоров и Книга o Мартинe Киркоровe Россия × Catalogue persistent identifier https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn8599381 APA Rüntü, Üri, 1949- & Рюнтю, Юри, 1949. (2021). Martin Kirkorov : 44 elf-tales : les contes elfes papy / Uri Runtu. Canberra, A.C.T. : Uri Runtu MLA Rüntü, Üri, 1949- and Рюнтю, Юри, 1949. Martin Kirkorov : 44 elf-tales : les contes elfes papy / Uri Runtu Uri Runtu Canberra, A.C.T. 2021 Australian/Harvard Rüntü, Üri, 1949- & Рюнтю, Юри, 1949. 2021, Martin Kirkorov : 44 elf-tales : les contes elfes papy / Uri Runtu. Uri Runtu Canberra, A.C.T. Wikipedia Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Martin Kirkorov : 44 elf-tales : les contes elfes papy / Uri Runtu | author1=Rüntü, Üri, 1949- | author2=Рюнтю, Юри, 1949 | year=2021 | publisher=Uri Runtu | isbn=9781925278361 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn8599381 | access-date=13 January 2025 | via=National Library of Australia }} Юри Рюнтю 15.01.2025 14:45 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Любимoе o Собакe Смерть Нуреева Ryuntyu Uri Runtu» (Юри Рюнтю)
Рюнтю Юри: NLA Wikipedia Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford : литературный дневник / https://stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2025-01-15 / 2025 Uri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuri Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuru Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Iouri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024 - 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV - By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025 / https://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2025-01-15 / 2025 Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison. Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting. Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named. Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury. “When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote. On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.” The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison. “At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.” “What’s happened?” asked Nureyev. “Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you. "Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.” Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence. Teased He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy. "He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen. “Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!” The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for. But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do. “We both foresee our inevitable future.” There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present. It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named. Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain. "And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.” The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today. This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country. The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990. Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia. He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission. They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with. Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.” Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript. “I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said. He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.” While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship. Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published. He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour. Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections. Request this item / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Request this item to view in the Library’s reading room. Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: NL 2019-8446 Copy: NL hbk Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: N 891.7344 R615 Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available LIBRARIAN VIEW ; LEADER 01175cam a2200361 i 4500 001 24328 008 951207t19951995ru 000 1 rus d 005 20230705231322.8 019 1 a| 11952591 020 a| 5702009819 q| hardback 035 9| (AuCNLDY)2473781 040 a| 2907 b| eng c| 2907 d| ANL 042 a| anuc 043 a| u-at--- 082 0 4 a| 891.7344 2| 20 100 1 a| Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;, e| author. 242 1 0 a| . y| eng 245 1 0 a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. 264 1 a| : b| , c| 1995. 264 4 c| ©1995 300 a| 345 pages ; c| 21 cm 336 a| text 2| rdacontent 337 a| unmediated 2| rdamedia 338 a| volume 2| rdacarrier 600 1 0 a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction. 600 1 0 a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction. 650 0 a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction. 653 a| Australian 999 f f s| bbabdb52-6e5b-57f1-841f-239d970def4e i| a0f73721-c48e-5a93-81a9-ffe855efae25 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (AUS ) e| N 891.7344 R615 h| Dewey Decimal classification m| 305ea2b2-a749-5c33-aa92-02d071b70faf 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (RUNN - Aust ) e| NL 2019-8446 h| Other scheme m| 0c9d58bd-d771-565c-8fd8-1969e60a756c z| Holdings note: NL hbk CITE ; CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 APA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. : MLA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995 AUSTRALIAN/HARVARD Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. WIKIPEDIA Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu | author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u; | year=1995 | publisher= | isbn=5702009819 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 | access-date=22 August 2024 | via=National Library of Australia }} Юри Рюнтю 15.01.2025 14:38 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Со Старым Новым годом друзья Маринa Леоновa RU» (Юри Рюнтю)
2022 - Все 10-ть Пьес для нашего сборника : академиики Георгий Георгиевич Ларин - Юри Мэттью Рюнтю : " Театральная Драматургия : Русско-язычная Культура Дальнего Зарубежья России : Австралия XX - XXI век " : книги / https://stihi.ru/2022/02/24/3362 / : National Library of Australia 2022 - 2025 Драма Жизнь Матвея : Вторая Мировая Война / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/10/417 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Смерть Собора Святого Духа / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/12/7912 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Пророк Mухаммед и Xадиджа / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/13/9014 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Братья Карамазовы как Приемыши / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/13/4642 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Дети и Внуки Братьев Карамазовых / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/13/4642 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Русский Сальери Борис Пастернак / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/12/1541 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Лубянка Маяковского и Лилии Брик / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/11/7832 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Ад Есенина C. и Айседоры Дункан / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/10/5517 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Тайна Александра Блока / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/10/4930 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 Драма Жена и Мать 1918 Царь Николай II / https://stihi.ru/2022/03/10/703 / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / Uri Runtu: English : Yuri Ryuntyu / Canberra ACT Australia / книги : National Library of Australia 2022 АРТ - КРИТИКА: / https://www.stihi.ru/2017/10/01/1157 / Юри Мэттью Рюнтю ЛИТЕРАТУРОВЕДЕНИЕ, ТЕАТРОВЕДЕНИЕ / https://stihi.ru/2024/08/31/4491 / Uri Runtu НОВЫЕ НАУЧНЫЕ ТЕРМИНЫ / https://stihi.ru/2024/08/31/4552 / Iouri Runtu НЕОТРАНСЦЕНДЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ ТЕАТР: ЮРИ МЭТТЬЮ РЮНТЮ / https://stihi.ru/2024/08/31/4534 / Рюнтю Юри Мэттью XXI BEK: МУЛЬТИВАРИАТИВНАЯ ДРАМАТУРГИЯ НОВОГО ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ / https://stihi.ru/2022/01/04/1141 / Yuri Ryuntyu Юри Рюнтю 15.01.2025 14:05 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Сказкa Добряк o Титe Злодеe Бюрократe Uri Runtu» (Юри Рюнтю)
NLA Wikipedia Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford Юри Рюнтю: литературный дневник Рюнтю Юри: NLA Wikipedia Harvard Ryuntyu Uri Runtu Stanford : литературный дневник / https://stihi.ru/diary/yuri2005/2025-01-15 / 2025 Uri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuri Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Yuru Ryuntyu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Iouri Runtu : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / If you are curious about Yuri Ryuntyu's writings ? / https://stihi.ru/2021/01/22/1458 / SUL : Stanford University : Library / https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8597478 / Stanford, California 94305 USA 2024 - 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / MERCURY WAS GAY LOVER OF NUREYEV - By WILL STEWART and IGOR MONICHEV in Moscow _ 1995 : 27 June : LONDON MOSCOW : 1995-2025 / https://proza.ru/diary/yuri2008/2025-01-15 / 2025 Letters reveal affair between AIDS stars / ROCK star Freddie Mercury had a passionate affair with ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, according to a book out today. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The highly intimate account draws on letters written by Nureyev in which he admitted to the secret liaison. Both stars died from AIDS — Mercury in Noverber 1991 and the emigre Russian in January 1993. / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / The letters are full of lurid descriptions of Nureyev’s homosexual encounters across the world — both casual and longer lasting. Mostly they contain nicknames or acronyms for his many lovers. But after describing Mercury as “Eddie”, he is then fully named. Once, according to Nureyev, he cancelled all rehearsals and asked his theatre management for a week’s leave so that he could spend time with Mercury. “When it comes to homosexual love, lies are inevitable,” he wrote. On another occasion, he recalled how a frantic Mercury left a message for him after not being able to contact him by phone: “Called you. Will call again in ten minutes. Lover.” The instant Nureyev came through the door, the phone rang again. It was Mercury — and it turned out he was calling from a plane en route to another liaison. “At last!” said the Mercury. “These unbearable 12 hours between two continents kill me, Rudy.” “What’s happened?” asked Nureyev. “Nothing,” replied the singer. “It’s just that I can’t stand it any more without you. "Usual thing… I can’t eat or drink. I’m on my way to you. My Boeing is crossing Mexico at the moment.” Nureyev said there was a kiss down the phone — and then silence. Teased He wrote how Mercury would turn up unannounced at dawn, rushing into his room undressing on the way — and carrying a bottle of Camus brandy. "He is really very loud, switching on immediately all the electrical devices in the kitchen. “Oh, I love his arrivals at my place in Kew Gardens!” The dancer chided Mercury for his “multi-hour phone conversations from the other side of the ocean” — which Nureyev had to pay for. But he added: “Who can blame us? We’re spending our fortunes without investing into pensions funds, medical insurance and the rest of what other people always must do. “We both foresee our inevitable future.” There is a suggestion that Nureyev was close to Mercury at the time of his death — even that he was present. It is in this passage that, for the first time, the rock star is named. Nureyev wrote: “He wanted to die alone in his house in London — which was alien to him. It rained and I was crying at the hall of Great Freddie Mercury. He died quietly without much pain. "And I knew it was about two years or less until I would meet there.” The book — Rudy Nureyev Without Make-up — will go on sale in St Petersburg, today. This carries out Nureyev’s dying wish that his correspondence should be made public first in his native country. The book, written by Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, is based mainly on 49 letters apparently sent by Nureyev to Patrick White, Australia’s Nobel Prize-winning author who died in 1990. Ryuntyu was born in Russia but has lived most of his life in Australia. He claimed yesterday that he obtained the letters from White with Nureyev’s permission. They outline intimate details of the dancer’s many affairs and the difficult times faced by gays both in Russia and in the West. The millionaire star also tells of the terrible loneliness which forced him into the streets of big cities in search of someone to share his bed with. Ryuntyu said: “In all I got more than 115 letters from White and Nureyev himself.” Many were repetitious and he drew on less than half of these in preparing his manuscript. “I believe some of the letters would fetch ;6,000 on the open market but this collection will go to my daughter as a wedding gift,” he said. He added: “There is no doubt in my mind that there was a close sexual relationship between Nureyev and Mercury.” While the pair appeared publicly together, for example at an open air music festival in Barcelona in 1988, they successfully drew a veil over their relationship. Ryuntyu said it was exceptionally hard to convince Nureyev that the letters should be posthumously published. He recalled White saying that the dancer was like a girl whose mood would change five times an hour. Copyright status may not be correct if data in the record is incomplete or inaccurate. Other access conditions may also apply. For more information please see: Copyright in library collections. Request this item / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Request this item to view in the Library’s reading room. Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: NL 2019-8446 Copy: NL hbk Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available Collect From: Main Reading Room Call Number: N 891.7344 R615 Status: / https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 / Available LIBRARIAN VIEW ; LEADER 01175cam a2200361 i 4500 001 24328 008 951207t19951995ru 000 1 rus d 005 20230705231322.8 019 1 a| 11952591 020 a| 5702009819 q| hardback 035 9| (AuCNLDY)2473781 040 a| 2907 b| eng c| 2907 d| ANL 042 a| anuc 043 a| u-at--- 082 0 4 a| 891.7344 2| 20 100 1 a| Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;, e| author. 242 1 0 a| . y| eng 245 1 0 a| Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / c| IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. 264 1 a| : b| , c| 1995. 264 4 c| ©1995 300 a| 345 pages ; c| 21 cm 336 a| text 2| rdacontent 337 a| unmediated 2| rdamedia 338 a| volume 2| rdacarrier 600 1 0 a| Nureyev, Rudolf, d| 1938-1993 v| Fiction. 600 1 0 a| White, Patrick, d| 1912-1990 v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Ballet dancers v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| AIDS (Disease) x| Patients v| Fiction. 650 0 a| HIV (Viruses) v| Fiction. 650 0 a| Authors, Australian y| 20th century v| Fiction. 653 a| Australian 999 f f s| bbabdb52-6e5b-57f1-841f-239d970def4e i| a0f73721-c48e-5a93-81a9-ffe855efae25 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (AUS ) e| N 891.7344 R615 h| Dewey Decimal classification m| 305ea2b2-a749-5c33-aa92-02d071b70faf 952 f f a| National Library of Australia b| Parkes c| Parkes d| Main Reading Room (RUNN - Aust ) e| NL 2019-8446 h| Other scheme m| 0c9d58bd-d771-565c-8fd8-1969e60a756c z| Holdings note: NL hbk CITE ; CATALOGUE PERSISTENT IDENTIFIER https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 APA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. (1995). Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. : MLA Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu 1995 AUSTRALIAN/HARVARD Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u;. 1995, Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu. WIKIPEDIA Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. {{Citation | title=Rudi Nuriev bez makiiazha / IUri Mettiu Riuntiu | author1=Ri;u;nti;u;, I;U;ri Me;tt;i;u; | year=1995 | publisher= | isbn=5702009819 | language=Russian | url=https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn24328 | access-date=22 August 2024 | via=National Library of Australia Юри Рюнтю 15.01.2025 13:59 Заявить о нарушении Продолжение списка рецензий: