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David Lake
Автор о себеDavid LakeI began writing poetry about 1970 when I saw what was being published as "poetry" in Australia.
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Рецензия на «Six poems by Sulpicia» (David Lake)
A wonderful poem:) Thanks for your perfect translation. Otherwise we would not have an opportunity to enjoy it. I will definitely check it out with Jena Woodhouse:) Ирина Гончарова1 05.02.2008 18:33 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Now and then» (David Lake)
Hi David, I found your this your page via Gennady Kazakevich's translations. And started reading your poetry with this poem because my Live Journal's page is titled Now and Then:) https://borntwice.livejournal.com/ Interrsting, isn't it? :))) I will procede with the reading though. Hope you will not object. Ирина Гончарова1 05.02.2008 15:55 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Clouds» (David Lake)
David, This is beautiful indeed. I will try to translate it one day. With kindest regards GK Геннадий Казакевич 05.07.2007 07:15 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Drinks at Evening» (David Lake)
Thanks a lot for your inspiration Below is the Russian version of your poem wich I dared to translate: Напитки вечером С тобой, дорогая, сегодня готов напиться за ужином в хлам, Как часто за этим скрипучим столом сидели вот так – я и ты, Мешая то золото, то серебро в коктейле с вином пополам, А звезды тонули, ныряя за холм, в чернилах ночной темноты И мыслями мы уносились туда, где радости нашей коктейль Мы пили все годы, что наша любовь и страсти полуденный зной Нам были наградой за верность и жар желаньем охваченных тел Сурового времени медленный ход невидим сквозь бархат ночной, И вот уже, кажется, близок конец, но из-за стола не встаю: Мы выпьем еще раз, родная, пока не найден последний приют Владимир Захаров 09.06.2006 15:16 • Заявить о нарушении
Thank you, Vladimir. I don't know Russian, but I believe you have done good work.
David David Lake 05.08.2006 04:11 Заявить о нарушении
David and Vladimir,
Let me say, both the original and translation are beautiful poetry, and the translation technique is superb. With kindest regards GK Геннадий Казакевич 05.07.2007 07:21 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Echo and Narcissus» (David Lake)
I read your translation and I liked it very much. Especcially the ending of it. It is a wonderful legend, which you could reproduce poetically. Sincerely, Olia. Ольга Сладкая 28.02.2006 13:00 • Заявить о нарушении
Thank you, Olia. But the real credit should go to Ovid.
David Lake 06.05.2006 06:34 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Ubi sunt» (David Lake)
Humbertus Humbertus indubitus est (?). I do realise that your take on this is more sentimental than sexual. But seriously, I don't believe the child dies, as long as the memory and the imagination live. There is an inner child in all of us, somewhere, like the smallest doll embedded deep in the "matryoshka". It is a spirit child, though, therefore invisible. Jena Woodhouse 26.06.2005 04:24 • Заявить о нарушении
Jena, I agree about the child surviving inside. But there is no Humbert here. Humbert is sexually interested in pubescent girls. I am talking about children, not pubescents. And the feeling is not in the least sexual.
David Lake 26.06.2005 05:20 Заявить о нарушении
I wonder if the child you describe would wish to remain mummified (as it were) in a child's body forever. I hope that a radiant future awaits her, and growth into beauty, particularly of the spirit. Who would wish to hold her back from her journey into life? God bless the child, but in all her forms. There is more to everything and everyone (even women) than the surface.
Jena Woodhouse 26.06.2005 07:37 Заявить о нарушении
Regarding the comparison with Humbert Humbert, I admit I may have been misled by certain stylistic coincidences between 'Ubi sunt' and 'Lolita' - e.g. the device of the diary, the sprinkling of foreign phrases, an instance of double-entendre, the presence of two principal girl protagonists (Annabel and Dolores/Lolita), although in the present case the chronology is reversed, and a certain archness of tone - into not paying rigorous enough attention to exactitudes of content.
I do nevertheless feel that in some sense, albeit involving varying levels of inversion, Humbert Humbert is a distant though distinct literary precursor to this narrator, more so (on the generic level) than any encountered in Lewis Carroll. To be sure, yours is a miniature, but it does appear to have a number of stylistic features in common with Nabokov's work. To this reader at least, there is also something in 'Ubi sunt' faintly reminiscent of Nabokov the lepidopterist. Jena Woodhouse 26.06.2005 11:56 Заявить о нарушении
I would like to conclude my observations on this stylistically very interesting piece by noting that the overarching feature that it has in common with Nabokov's 'Lolita', to my mind, is its voyeuristic point of view, however benevolent the eye of the beholder purports to be in the present instance. This, coupled with the suggestion of a nostalgic halo-effect, although here, too, I appreciate that there are also differences in the quality of the nostalgia...
Jena Woodhouse 27.06.2005 05:44 Заявить о нарушении
Dear David,
Please don't take any of this personally. It was merely a literary exercise, as I could not help but be aware of certain stylistic coincidences. Moreover I do not believe that beauty vanishes: it simply changes its form, or is reborn. Warmest regards, Jena Jena Woodhouse 28.06.2005 05:39 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Two versions of lazarus ii» (David Lake)
I find your poem great! I enjoyed it very much! It's so deep and wise! and you can always say No; except to love Thank you! Мейлинг Ирина 24.06.2005 14:10 • Заявить о нарушении
Глюк английский... дожили! И слова, главное, все понятные... И универсальный такой, к моему стихо абсолютно подходит - что great как говорится, то great... На всякий случай подожду пока с ответом :)))
Юрий Цыганков 24.06.2005 19:30 Заявить о нарушении
правильно!:)))) Это не я!Это Мейлинг Ирина Давиду Озерному на его стиш на английском....попробую еще раз, Юр!:)
Tutitam 26.06.2005 08:00 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Unpoem» (David Lake)
as we see our screams and complaints flowing around endlessly reinterpreted and as we are ourselves ready to have it commodified as soon as possible, prolly the protest march is the one that's taking place around the prickly pear? Coscus 24.10.2004 23:28 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Saturn» (David Lake)
David, I am sorry I have not seen this earlier. This is really great. I am proud to be witnessing of a classical verse birth. Congratulations and warmest regards Gennadi Геннадий Казакевич 16.09.2004 09:37 • Заявить о нарушении Продолжение списка рецензий: