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Рецензия на «Amidst Worlds trans. Annensky Среди миров» (Линн Чакоян)
A great translation! Beautiful and rich, velvety language. It recreates the feeling! You should translate more! Евгения Саркисьянц 15.03.2013 07:35 Заявить о нарушении
yes, I'd like to. I'm glad you liked this effort. Means a lot.
Линн Чакоян 17.03.2013 03:06 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «The hills in winter show themselves...» (Линн Чакоян)
I recorded this one...might be helpful https://soundcloud.com/lynnc/the-hills-in-winter-show Линн Чакоян 24.01.2013 20:06 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «A constant star shimmers in the void long version» (Линн Чакоян)
Lynn, it's such a fine work. Congrats. Галина Иззьер 21.01.2013 20:26 Заявить о нарушении
oh, thanks. That would be a tough one to translate...oy
Линн Чакоян 22.01.2013 06:27 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «poetry distillery» (Линн Чакоян)
Lynn, i like the idea of "poetry distillery", of the mirror. But the poem that's not changing over time, a finished product... hmmm. Didn't you revise your work 3 times? To continue your analogy, it's the wine that continues to be alive and changing even after the process at the distillery is over. Nice work overall, good development of the idea! Галина Иззьер 07.01.2013 19:33 Заявить о нарушении
Just thought of sharing my ideas about the process:
https://stihi.ru/2012/08/12/53 Галина Иззьер 07.01.2013 19:35 Заявить о нарушении
Yes, this piece started out as a prose poem of sorts. I often write short, odd pieces of prose. Sometimes they can be shaped into poems. This one is coming along, but doesn't quite feel finished. I often get to the point with a poem where I can't move a word, or change an image. It is then I call it done and move on. Seems to me a poem has a certain capacity...might be great or not so great, but if the image is what it is, and the form is set in some way, then there isn't much I can do about it. Maybe a bit of Russian fatalism in all that )
On translation...we do seem to have quite different images. If you ever want to be less solo, I'd be happy to take a look at it from another perspective. My Russian isn't great, but I can puzzle out surface meaning and inquire productively beyond that. There are always layers of meaning to explore, and having two native speakers on it seems prudent to me. Some very sweet comments emerged here after you posted my poem and your translation of it on your page. I'm most grateful. All the best to you this new year. Линн Чакоян 08.01.2013 17:14 Заявить о нарушении
Absolutely. I don't feel like I'm working in isolation, as there are some writing buddies, but would be delighted to work in collaboration- another perspective always adds a color, an angle)) Do share your ideas!
Happy that the translation works for you! Галина Иззьер 10.01.2013 08:43 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «tree limbs brown...» (Линн Чакоян)
Я прочла Ваш стих на странице Галины. Меня заинтересовал и перевод и оригинал. Захотелось и себе поупражняться, с Вашего разрешения :) пламенеют три ветки в ранний час зимний потому то, поэты - невольники солнца и нездешнего желтого Олись Лапковский 06.01.2013 11:55 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Poo-tee-weet says the bird...» (Линн Чакоян)
I don't know how you do this. This poem is one of those phenomena that are about nothing at first glance, but penetrate deeper and deeper the more you let them in. Must be the miraculous choice of words. I LOVE how you do not care about completing sentences but paint the picture with separate brushstrokes and light touches instead. You have a very rare unique gift, which cannot be acquired - it just exists. You are able to just bring some seemingly random words in, shake them well, throw them out on paper in random order - and the mosaic is unbelievable. Thoughts are thrown out the window and images crowd in - images that cut deeper than any fully articulated thought might. Few people are capable of this that I know of. Евгения Саркисьянц 06.01.2013 08:04 Заявить о нарушении
thanks again. I've had some help along the way. Russian poets are terrific teachers. Russia's the place for poetry, I think.
Линн Чакоян 06.01.2013 09:50 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «poetry distillery» (Линн Чакоян)
I like the "cooling coils" a lot. It is as though the verse starts out as very hot - the emotion, the passion - yet not quite there; and through the chain of repeated revision gradually "cools off" to the state of "words and spaces and punctuation." It goes from a state of turbulence to a state of stillness. Very imaginative! I also like "these poet eyes will always remain each other in this verse" and the image of the mirror. Again, I feel stillness in these lines. I also like the idea of multiple "poets" that revise the same verse as "time passes and the poets age and change." It makes me think of multiple stages of life, which, as we age, begins to make more "pure sense" but also barely changes "from version to version" anymore, until it becomes crystal clear and "unexpectedly" gets "truly over." I noticed the poem was first written in January, and the latest revision is also dated January. For some weird reason the month makes sense to me. It goes well with the poem's general mood. Евгения Саркисьянц 05.01.2013 00:53 Заявить о нарушении
thanks again...you are skilled in reading into poems. Your comments are a rare treat.
Линн Чакоян 05.01.2013 03:02 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Passionate kissers...» (Линн Чакоян)
Your poetry is truly beautiful. I enjoyed reading every poem. Would be nice to get cozy on a couch with a book of your poems illustrated in pastel colors. Евгения Саркисьянц 05.01.2013 00:14 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «We danced into the fresco...» (Линн Чакоян)
Nice depiction of a tango drama- but waltz creates change of pace and mood. Maybe change of rhythm for the second stanza would work? Галина Иззьер 15.10.2012 20:34 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «The birds have returned to Moscow...» (Линн Чакоян)
thank yothe second line - may be shiNing Николай Старорусский 03.09.2012 09:59 Заявить о нарушении Продолжение списка рецензий: