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Нина Вольга
Автор о себеНина ВольгаI write poetry. In English. My poems are my babies.
I teach English through poetry. And learn English through poetry. This page is created specifically for my poems in English. Some of them have been published one way or another, just recently or long ago, some haven't. I intend this page to be a place to keep all my babies together. Let all my prodigal sons and daughters return.
себе (4)
Т. Алексу (2)
Дж. Р. Ангер-мл. (5)
Л. С. А. (6)
Л. Д. В. (9)
Ч. Д. В. (3)
Р. Е. А. (4)
Ш. Ф. С. (3)
Ковид-19 (2)
времена года (5)
Переводы (4)
моим подругам (3)
Рецензии |