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Рецензия на «Поэзия - к Сафо» (Тн Клм)
Прекрасно написано! Ирина Каховская Калитина 07.06.2023 07:47 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Открытка» (Тн Клм)
Сегодня читала много ваших стихов, они прекрасны!❤ Ирина Каховская Калитина 07.06.2023 07:43 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Погодно-котовское» (Тн Клм)
Марток, оденешь пять порток. Лариса Дудина 11.02.2022 07:17 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «В квадрате из дат...» (Тн Клм)
5 июня - день рождения Гарсии Лорки. Федерико Гарсиа Лорка (исп. Federico García Lorca, 5 июня 1898 — 19 августа 1936). Жизнь поэта и его трагическая смерть как результат сплетения ненависти и интриг: политических, клановых, общественных, традиционалистских. А главным было – личная месть. https://www.svoboda.org/a/471425.html Стихи Лорки. Как жаль, что я не знаю испанского... Тн Клм 05.06.2021 01:43 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Плотников сын» (Тн Клм)
Это - свободный перевод; ПАРАФРАЗ на: IT WASN'T HIS CHILD (Lyrics by Skip Ewing) He was her man, she was his wife And late one winter night He knelt by her As she gave birth But it wasn't his child, It wasn't his child Yet still he took him as his own And as he watched him grow It brought him joy But it wasn't his child It wasn't his child But like a father he was strong and kind And I believe he did his best It wasn't easy for him But he did all could... His son was different from the rest It wasn't his child It wasn't his child And when the boy became a man He took his father's hand And soon the world Would all know why It wasn't his child It wasn't his child But like a father he was strong and kind And I believe he did his best It wasn't easy for him But he did all could. He grew up with his hands in wood And he died with his hands in wood He was God's child, He was God's child. ...He was her man She was his wife And late one night He knelt by her As she gave birth But it wasn't his child Тн Клм 30.12.2020 02:29 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Beth Hart. Прочь из этого города» (Тн Клм)
L.A. Song (Out Of This Town). Beth Hart. She hangs around the boulevard She's a local girl with local scars She got home late she got home late She drank so hard the bottle ached And she tried and she tried and she tried and she tried But nothing's clear in a bar full of lies So she takes and she takes she takes and she takes She understands when she gives it away She says: Мan I gotta get outta this town Man I gotta get outta this pain Man I gotta get outta this town Outta this town and out of L.A. She's got a gun she's got a gun She got a gun she calls the lucky one She left a note right by the phone Don't leave a message 'cause this ain't no home And she cried and she cried and she cried and she cried She cried so long her tears ran dry Then she laughed and she laughed she laughed and she laughed 'Cause she knew she was never coming back She said: man I'm gonna get outta this town Man I'm gonna get outta this pain Man I'm gonna get outta this town Outta this town and out of L.A. It's all she loves It's all she hates It's all too much for her to take She can't be sure just where it ends Or where the good life begins So she took a train she took a train To a little old town without a name She met a man he took her in But fed her all the same bullshit again 'Cause he lied and he lied and he lied and he lied He lied like a salesman selling flies So she screamed and she screamed and she screamed and she screamed It's a different place but the same old thing It's all I love It's all I hate It's all too much for me to take I can't be sure where it begins Or if the good life lies within So she said: Man I gotta get out of this town Yeah now I gotta get back on that train Man I gotta get out of this town I'm outta my pain So …I'm going back… to L.A. …..Oh… ….back… to L.A., ….back… to L.A., ….back… to L.A., ….back… to L.A…. Тн Клм 01.07.2020 20:40 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Я ухожу...» (Тн Клм)
Chris Rea. “Gone fishing”. I'm gone fishing I got me a line Nothing I do is gonna make the difference So I'm taking the time And you ain't never gonna be happy Anyhow, anyway So I'm gone fishing And I'm going today I'm gone fishing Sounds crazy I know I know nothing about fishing But just watch me go And when my time has come I will look back and see Peace on the shoreline That could have been me You can waste a whole lifetime Trying to be What you think is expected of you But you'll never be free May as well go fishing Подстрочник: Я ушёл рыбачить; Собрал свои снасти. Но чтоб я не делал, уже не имеет смысла: Посему, я не спешу... И ты... и ты не станешь счастливей Никогда... и никак... Посему, я ушёл. Ушёл на рыбалку. И я ухожу... вот сейчас. «Я ушёл на рыбалку» - Звучит сумасшедше, я знаю: Ведь я и не знаю о ловле рыб ничего. Просто смотри: я ухожу... И, когда наступит моё время, Я обернусь и увижу: Тихий залив и берег, Который бы мог быть всем для меня. Ты можешь потратить всю жизнь, Пытаясь быть, или стать, кем-то - Каким кто-то хочет видеть тебя. Но тогда ты не будешь свободным. И вот... я ухожу рыбачить... Тн Клм 01.07.2020 18:42 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Сад» (Тн Клм)
И правильно сделает что сметёт. Крестом - тем более. Благодарю за сей труд, он во Благо. Серж. + Серж Ив 74 25.02.2020 19:24 • Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Нищенка» (Тн Клм)
Великолепно 👏👏👏 Божией помощи во всех добрых делах 🙏 С уважением Елена Лазарева Елена Лазарева 1 06.11.2019 21:21 • Заявить о нарушении
Дорогая Елена, очень признательна Вам за оценку моего стихотворения!
Благодарю. Тн Клм 15.11.2019 00:35 Заявить о нарушении
Рецензия на «Я калитку отворяю» (Тн Клм)
Прекрасный стих!Благодарю! Юрий Яников 25.09.2019 07:47 • Заявить о нарушении Продолжение списка рецензий: