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Динозавр Дэнвер Перейти на ПРОЗА.РУ

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Василий Евгеньевич Никитин Dallas  23.09.2024 20:08 авторская страница
неизвестный читатель 4   Культура  22.09.2024 00:40 не определен
неизвестный читатель 3   Aiko. The stories she told  19.09.2024 07:37 не определен
неизвестный читатель 2   Мост Событий  16.09.2024 07:23 не определен
неизвестный читатель 1   Безумие  14.09.2024 06:05 не определен


Рецензия на «Niagara Falls» (Динозавр Дэнвер)

Сэр вы Гений не иначе..!!!!****(****).

Хранитель Хаоса   18.02.2016 17:19     Заявить о нарушении
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Рецензия на «Yesterday» (Динозавр Дэнвер)

maybe ))

did u hear
- before ?? - She Wants Revenge -

"Tear You Apart"

Got a big plan, his mind's set, maybe it's right
At the right place and right time, maybe tonight
In a whisper or handshake sending a sign
Wanna make out and kiss hard, wait never mind

Late night, in passing, mention it flip to her
Best friend, it's no thing, maybe it slipped
but the slip turns to terror and a crush to like
when she walked in he froze up, leave it to fright

It's cute in a way, till you cannot speak
And you leave to have a cigarette, knees get weak
escape was just a nod and a casual wave
Obsess about it, heavy for the next two days

It's only just a crush, it'll go away
It's just like all the others it'll go away
Or maybe this is danger and you just don't know
You pray it all away but it continues to grow

I want to hold you close
Skin pressed against me tight
Lie still, and close your eyes girl
So lovely, it feels so right

I want to hold you close
Soft breath, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
I want to fucking tear you apart

Then he walked up and told her, thinking maybe it'd pass

And they talked and looked away a lot, doing the dance
Her hand brushed up against his, she left it there
Told him how she felt and then they locked in a stare

They took a step back, thought about it, what should they do
Cause theres always repercussions when you're dating in school
But their lips met, and reservations started to pass
Whether this was just an evening or a thing that would last

Either way he wanted her and this was bad
Wanted to do things to her it was making him crazy
Now a little crush turned into a like
And now he wants to grab her by the hair and tell her

I want to hold you close
Skin pressed against me tight
Lie still, and close your eyes girl
So lovely, it feels so right

I want to hold you close
Soft breath, beating heart
As I whisper in your ear
I wanna fucking tear you apart


i-am-glad)) u alive )) &
look around )) & run it forward - &
fell like - go backwards ))

Оля Львова   16.09.2013 15:21     Заявить о нарушении
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Рецензия на «Вредная Привычка» (Динозавр Дэнвер)

а я вт досматриваю "2дня" - не получаетс клипик пкзть
- сайт грит хватит - многа ушш - ни пускает сюды музыки - вы ужж опубликовали такй текст!!

и Страна - Вредина??))
неотпускает?!)) привычное

но шш Романтику
- из мокров воздуха ткётс холст - с босыми нгми венчает белй песок -
в ласковое одеяло))

Оля Львова   31.10.2012 04:12     Заявить о нарушении
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slyyyyy))))))) - Thnx!!

- рваность сбивается в чёткость и упорядоченную взвинченность))
где-т имя однв китайск художника - его отличительная манера - красная тряпка!!
- огромная серия - вспомню_пкжу)) гипер_эмоциональн портреты!!
от взгляда - а финальнн фишка??!! - п Ярче!!))

- Glow In Mind)))))))))))))))))

Оля Львова   05.11.2012 01:25   Заявить о нарушении
что не смёл ураган - засыпал снег
- свет магии передвижений


- на яву и во сне прдлжает кружть жизненнй цикл

Оля Львова   09.11.2012 22:08   Заявить о нарушении
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Рецензия на «Stella» (Динозавр Дэнвер)

Эй!! Стелла!! Сделав Ту Грусть)) обомри у руки Психиатра))))))))))
& i can prepare pasta with spicy chili sauce)))))))))))))))

are Ю ready?!))

Оля Львова   21.09.2012 22:18     Заявить о нарушении
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u r back


what tha hell happenned to you?

or u accepted that offer that you couldn't refuse and learned Godfather's pasta sauce recipe ?

Динозавр Дэнвер   30.10.2012 21:51   Заявить о нарушении
КрёсТнй)) любит готовить ))))))) из живх продуктф или б лучш Жизненный Продукт??))

а Спаасибо з беспокойнсть)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQf2UDKCBOU&feature=endscreen&NR=1

Оля Львова   31.10.2012 03:35   Заявить о нарушении
а вт шш - в Нью-Йорке - новй Ураган
и пр АД лучш не здсь

Оля Львова   31.10.2012 03:45   Заявить о нарушении
yeah u r right. it's been a year :))))))))))

Динозавр Дэнвер   31.10.2012 04:15   Заявить о нарушении
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Рецензия на «The consequence of setting the birds free from cag» (Динозавр Дэнвер)

и кто же мжт знать шт знает реальнсть??


а дбрта знает - п твоему - безгрничнсть??))
а Добрата мжт - п-своему??

а кт знает - шт/или кк жить ни жря)))))))))))))

ля_ля_ля_ля)) саднящй_Путь)) not free<sorry

just another convention;))
lot of


Оля Львова   30.03.2012 13:22     Заявить о нарушении
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Рецензия на «Aiko. The stories she told» (Динозавр Дэнвер)

Major hi!

I checked out your story and it seems to me that every part was cool, and everything was interesting. I noticed that the girl that told the stories is a little weird. I mean, she is falling in love and the other day rejects every boy that she loves, and it is repeating on every part. Is she Japanese, Korean, Chinese or what? It occurred to me from that name of her. By the way she travels a lot. And the figures that she meets are from random countries.

First section of story was laughable. She never shies? I think that this is a different type of offering sexual intercourse. If somebody said that to me so frankly I easily thought that person is crazy! Aesthetically unacceptable but really funny.

In the second part at later in restaurant I think that she is jeering with that Chinese guy because of she already gave him the cash. I remarked that she is kind too, in spite of weirdness.

Third was exciting too. She wants to embarrass that half Turkish half Indian man by saying him that he maybe just a virgin because of he is vegetarian. It is strange that the guy didn't eat anything that she offered. There was nothing except meat in the menu? Although spaghetti, salad or that kind of meal, etceteras?

Forth was a beautiful part. I was touched from reading the lines the she cannot cry… It appears to be a difficult situation; ad interim (in the meantime) it slightly proves that she doesn't love him. She just loves the kiss, that “chocolate” smack on the lips. In the end I just didn't understand the last lines. What it means: “No I can't ... you have this stomach now and you don't look the same as I saw you the last time.”? What is that stomach word, and why she used that?

For conclusion I want to notice, that the story has a little errors, rather some symbols are absent. Some hyphens are missing. If you want you can edit it.

So, I can finally say, that it was fine and enjoyable, thanks a lot. By reading it I remember the short stories that I read in primary and secondary school.

Minor goodbye…

Мухаммет Агаев   09.03.2012 04:13     Заявить о нарушении
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hey thanks for the feedback. glad you liked it.

there are no errors buddy. i wrote it to be read nice and easy. if you check your feedback you' ll find many more errors. no offense.

stomach word... :

well what she meant was that usual belly that most men have after 30.

when she was telling me all that she used the word "stomach" that's why i left it.

you r right 'though the girl is amazingly weird. all her stories are truth. she's probably one of the strongest people i've ever met.

Динозавр Дэнвер   18.03.2012 18:40   Заявить о нарушении
btw i found it quite ironic that yours: "For conclusion I want to notice, that the story has a little errors, rather some symbols are absent."

full of grammar, style and other errors. u just cant tlk or write like that. no offense 'though.

i just posted new piece "The consequence of setting the birds free from cages in the previous life."

if you have time

Динозавр Дэнвер   18.03.2012 19:24   Заявить о нарушении
yeah, thanx man for response.

yes, it could be many errors in my review too... :) i dunno!
i just wanted to mean that i like just clean editing,
nothing more. i don't pretend to correct the grammar, coz'
i don't know it well hundred percents .

i will check out ur new publication later.

Мухаммет Агаев   18.03.2012 20:13   Заявить о нарушении
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Рецензия на «Свобода» (Динозавр Дэнвер)

Сколько людей,столько и мнений....но у каждого понимание свободы-результат его мыслей,или чужих мыслей,это уже как повезет.

Ангел Лика   25.10.2011 15:26     Заявить о нарушении
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Рецензия на «Навязывание Воли Женщинам» (Динозавр Дэнвер)

Я же говорю,любая кошка мечтает о хозяине,и ты о том же)

Ангел Лика   25.10.2011 15:21     Заявить о нарушении

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